Tuesday, August 16, 2011

If I were...a Vegetable?

Time for a fun writing exercise...take 5 minutes and write "If I were a vegetable, I would be a...."

No editing...write what comes to your mind....most important, have fun...GO!

Here is mine:

If I were a vegetable I would be a squash, a yellow squash because that is what I thought of just now. I like yellow, its a good color.

Squash is good raw, with dipping sauce. Its ok steamed too, with pepper.

What would my squash name be? Squashy is juts too obvious? Or is it? Let us see...

"Hello, is Squashy home?"..."Can Squashy come to the movies?"...."Meet our new head of accounts, Squashy...he's very creative!"...."Oh Squashy, you broke my heart you dumb son-of-a-bitch!!"..."You had enough yet Squashy? You gonna give up yet you ol rubber neck fool!"

Oh Squashy, you just take on the flavors of those around you, you got no real flavor of your own, your a mimic veg! Death to Squashy! Long live Zucci!! Zucchini -- Zucci?? Really? Oh give it up...you're banned from the vegetable patch


  1. Death to Squashy? Poor Squashy!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  2. Eggplant. And Squashy would be my friend.

  3. Cool photos. Did you take them? I would be broccoli because it's so regal looking. I also love spinach--it's my fav.
