Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Soul Addiction

This book is creeping me out, but I can't stop reading it. It's about souls and reincarnation. This doctor hypnotize's people...spiritual learns about their souls and past lives. This isn't a fiction book either.

It starts out innocently enough...what happens after you souls recuperate before choosing a new human body...what lessons will the soul learn this know, the soul basics.

Now the book has seemed to enter a dark phase, and I just can't put it down. It seems, according to Dr. Newton, that some souls who do terribly awful things (murder, mayhem, produce reality tv, etc.) here on earth are actually alien souls. Yes, souls of aliens from planets that are either inhospitable to them or they aren't welcome they travel to earth to be reincarnated. Weird, but it does explain some freaky deaky people on our planet. Oh I love science fiction! I just hope this isn't Scientology and I have instantly joined just by reading this...they are sneaky...allegedly.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone...typos are part of my charm!

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